How can thermal water help you?
Today a miracle under the name of thermal water is going to be introduced, which have been used in treatment since primaeval times.

Use of thermal springs has been extensive for centuries and it wasn´t only a matter of bathing at all. Ancient spas in ancient Greece were extremely famous for relaxing and healing effects. Thermal springs are also used to treat a wide spectre of diseases. Healing effects of a specific well vary according to a content of specific minerals in water.
These are the facts. Let´s see how thermal springs can be used nowadays. In every season, bathing in warm water has its own charm. Especially in winter, when after a great skiing, water warms up and relieves your tired body. Maybe, you´ll not feel the energy when going out of the pool, but the next day you´ll be thankful for having spent your time in a pool, because the „muscle soreness“ expression will no longer in your vocabulary.
A source of thermal water springing from a depth of more than 2,500 m with a temperature of 60.7°C is the heart of Tatralandia. The age of geothermal water is 27,000 years, i.e. it goes back to the last glacial period when mammoths, sabre-toothed tigers and giant cave bear lived in the territory of Slovakia. The water contains rich concentration of minerals; there are 5,253 kg of minerals in every moment with beneficial effect on human body in pools at Tatralandia.
If we let water evaporated from a thermal pool, we would gain this amount (a volume of 1,072 m3 of thermal pools). The main elements represented in water are as follows: 1.7 kg of lithium, 663 kg of calcium, 179 kg of magnesium, 99 kg of potassium, 402 kg of sodium, and 0.25 kg of iron.
And what about fun and thermal water?
Although it may seem that thermal water is mainly intended for quiet relaxation in water, it is not always the case. In particular, it will be appreciated by younger visitors for other attractions for active recreation in pools, e.g. water handball, basketball baskets, a volleyball net, a climbing wall with a jump to swimming pool, or a swimming pool, in which thermal water is mixed so that it is suitable for swimming and also its beneficial effects are preserved. Thermal enthusiasts can enjoy an outdoor thermal pool with thermal water up to 40°C.